21天/21天-让我们行动吧!Let's ACT!!!

· 21天,能量精通之进阶







The first thing that we remind ourselves that we had to choose to be here right now. It was not necessarily the most comfortable time, not necessarily the most comfortable posture we are in, but it was a choice and one of the indicators that we are free is that we make a choice and it's not necessarily the most comfortable one.

Once we make a choice, then it gives us an opportunity to be persistent, to not give up with every challenge that may come our way. Something that would probably be more common, if we didn't make a choice, if we were forced to do something then every single challenge along the way, would feel that it's against us because we didn't want to be here. But once we make the choice of being somewhere, of doing something then there is a greater and greater opportunity for every obstacle that comes on that journey. To be something that gives you strength instead of taking that strength away from you.





#Two parallel journeys

Every time that I share any of these words, I remind myself that there are two parallel journeys that we have in our life. One is the inner journey we're taking right now together that we must make a choice for, otherwise we wouldn't be here. And another one is the outer journey. In our outer journey, a lot of the things that we experiencing right now are not there by choice. Life brought us there and very often we find that because we were pushed into those situations then these situations actually feel very very tough very, very depleting in our everyday life. Our inner work is where we will get the strength we'll get the energy where we will get the ability to be guided and then take that guidance now into our life and start in our life as well making choices and I'm saying that most of us haven't made choices yet in our life. And for one simple reason is because all the choices that we have made of, most of them were probably with considerations into the comfortable direction, into the easier direction into avoiding the challenges of life. And the truth is that avoiding the challenges of life and the most comfortable direction is not necessarily the most joyful. It's not the most full of joy and not necessarily most full of health and not necessarily best for us obviously.




#Three types of resistance

Making choices naturally will meet certain resistance inside of us. And each of those resistances are not coincidental. They're an indicator of what we call our karmic predisposition, our genetic predisposition, something we brought from our ancestors. A lot of those resistances are something that we have over the years we are here on this planet have created internally and have been challenge with a lot of those resistances they're very habitual now had become part of our self identity. Without us realizing it, from a very young age, a lot of them develop, even before we had our self awareness and some of those resistances we continuously develop still everyday.

So really our, our inner work is divided into different stages of first, not creating new patterns of resistance. Second is to find the benefit and strength from past patterns of resistance that we've created. And finally, to benefit from the challenges from the ways in which we respond to our life that we received from our ancestors. Now, all three could be either something that depletes us and makes our life unbearable and and brings us illness. Or, actually, all three of them have in them the opportunity to make us stronger, to make us better. And to bring joy into our life. Nothing else needs to be changed. But of course the the energy with which we meet, welcome, respond to each moment.








#One Energy

And you may ask a question, Erik, why are you sharing all this? While we are in a meditative state? Is that part of our meditation?

And the answer is very much so because we say that there's only one energy and all we're doing is we're measuring or observing that manifestation of that energy at different stages of it. And right now, I have simply observed the reality stage of the energy you're in. But really, I could have looked at not only at your reality, and not only that your actions, and not only, I could have looked at your physical body. And I could have said that, okay, based on the work which we have done, those are the benefits in yourself, those are the benefits in your organs and systems. We could have measured it there, we could have measured that in your thought process. I could have said, Okay, this is how you're thinking. And this is the evidence of this, and same energy that I just described. I could have looked at your emotional state. And I could have looked at the different levels of emotion that we talked about, and advanced, more advanced trainings. And I could have seen that there. But I chose to look at our reality of what happened and measured there. But even more so, what's interesting is that, as we do one thing, so we do all things, what I've just described about you, and about this dynamics that was born in this group, I'm also describing not only the art of BIM and this program, I'm describing your relationship with self. I'm describing your relationship in your family unit. I'm describing your relationships in your community. Those are the formulas of success in anything we do. And once we reach them here together, then of course, we are ready to implement them and share them with others. From the family to our workplace, by being who we are, sharing not only by saying something, but often by not saying something. Sharing is by being there in body and spirit. Being there energetically, and making a difference. In this new way every time we get better and better at this. So I hope that makes sense...all I've done is measured at the reality level, but it is exactly the same we could have described at every different stage of what we call the order of things.

So, in this 21 days my intention was to to show you what this work is all about. To give you some real experiences and some already changes in the way you see the world and the way you experience yourself give you the momentum change into your life but as I always say even though our 21 days are over. This journey of the new you has just begun and I am excited to see what and how your journey continues unfolding.



#Freedom and giving, and choice

You are free. You're free because you're making a choice.You're free because you are constantly redirecting your intention. You're
making a choice to redirect your intention from simply receiving to giving to


And that's because we are bringing everything that we are doing from the mind to the heart. First we do, first we experience, first we
arrive, at the sensation level and only then we understand. We will have resistance to that on different levels. As we said, some of that resistance came from our ancestors. Some of it is what we developed as part of self identity and not even aware of it through our life from the time we were young children. Some of it we're continuously struggling with the resistances, that
are new, every moment.

这是因为我们在这里, 把所要做的一切从头脑带到心上。我们先做,先体验,先在感官感受的层面抵达,然后我们理解。当然,我们会在不同的层面上都会抗拒。我们所过,有些抗拒来自祖先,有些是自己长大过程中开发的自我身份认同的一部分,而我们从小孩子成长到现在,都从未觉察过。我们持续地在每一个新的时刻,和这些阻力挣扎。

But right now we're up until maybe not too long ago, those resistances were against you. With every day from now on, they will become FOR
you. We will not have to avoid them. We will not have to numb them, deny them. We will welcome them. Not because, not just because Erik said so, but because we recognize now the joy that comes from it, it will become yours. When you
forget everything that I've said, then it's yours and not mine. And that's the goal of every program we have.


Maybe not necessarily forgetting what I said, but forgetting"it was said" because it will feel yours.

也许不必忘记我说过的话,而是忘记 "它曾被说过",因为这感觉起来就象是你的。

Sometimes we remember, some things that you know, the mindsets we will remember them. But there will come a moment where you will experience
life and you will forget that it was said before, you will feel as if you are
experiencing it for the very first time, you will forget that there were
guidance for this because you will be now in the state of being, not in the
state of knowing.








we remember this moment has never been this way before. It will never repeat it self again. Remember that you are unique in this moment and not only the moment but you will never be this way again. Give it your 100%.

And you're free. You're free, not because you decided to be free. You are free because you redirected your intention. You are free because you making choices. Not simply because you want to be free and decide to be free but because you are making the choices that allow the energy, the new energy to come in and free you.

with every day of making this choices and redirecting your desires, you realize that you are free, more and more, not free from something but you become free for something. In other words, there's a certain sense of guidance that you're receiving instead of the pushes the you're guided by, something that you don't know why as opposed to push by something that you exactly know why that you want to avoid